General Commercial Terms

1. Introductory provisions


These General Commercial Terms (hereinafter referred to as 'GCT') regulate the contractual relationship between ROFIN s.r.o. (as further defined in these GCT) as the service provider, having its registered seat at: Kresánkova 7B, 841 05 Bratislava - mestská časť Karlova Ves, VAT: 36 763 934, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, Insert No.: 89806/B, e-mail:, telephone number: +421 907 748 696 (hereinafter referred to as 'he Provider') and the user.


The provider provides the services on the website or by means of mobile applications (hereinafter referred to as 'the Website').


The supervisory Authority of the Provider is the Slovak Trade Inspectorate for the Bratislava region with its seat at Prievozská 32, P.O. Box 5,820 07 Bratislava 27, Slovak Republic.


These GCT together with any further information that the Provider is obliged to publish on its Website in compliance with the relevant legislation, are available to every person interested in the Contract (as further defined in these GCT) prior to its conclusion.


By registering with the Website, the user confirms that it has read the GCT, gives explicit consent to these GCT, is bound by them and meets all the conditions required to validate the conclusion of the Contract. The breach of any provision of these GCT gives the right to the Provider to apply all measures provided by these GCT and/or in compliance with the relevant legislation. If the user does not agree with these GCT, he is not authorised to use the services.


These GCT come into force on 25 July 2024.

2.Registration and conclusion of Contract for Services


The condition for access to the service is conclusion of Contract for Services between the user and the Provider (hereinafter referred to as „the Contract“). Once a user has successfully registered on the Website (it shall be regarded as proposal to conclusion of the Contract) and his account has been activated by the Provider (it shall be regarded as acceptation of the proposal to conclude the Contract).


By registering on the Website, the user undertakes to provide the following information: the information if it is a private person or organization, first name and last name, name of the organization, user name, valid e-mail address, password, time-zone and, if appropriate, Referrer ID provided to user by another user who gave it recommendation. The user undertakes to provide true, accurate and complete information and also to keep provided information up-to-date in its account.


The Contract shall be concluded for an indefinite period of time.


The service user can be any natural person, who is of adult age and capable of entering into binding contracts on the day the Contract shall be signed, or who concluded the Contract with the consent and under the supervision of a legal representative. At the same time, the user can be any legal entity.


The user is entitled to register on the Website only once. After the proper registration, the Provider creates on the Website an user account, where the user shall be shown, amongst other issues, the credit and debit transactions (i.e. paid rewards, earned rewards and charged credit). The user account serves not as a bank account. The Provider does not keep any payment or bank accounts in favour of the users. The user account is considered to be personal and non – transferable, bounded to one person. The Provider is entitled to cancel all registrations and accounts related to the multiple registered user and terminate the Contract.


Conclusion of the Contract and the user account management on the Website is not charged.

3.Definition of services


On the Website, the Provider provides services consisting of the provision of virtual space for registered users, who can mutually contact search other, send paid and unpaid messages, search for themselves on the Website, administrate their account, and also use other available functions of the Website that can be modified, extended or cancelled by the Provider. The range of services that are provided on the Website depends on the decision of the Provider.


Services provided on the Website are divided into (i) sending of paid messages, (ii) receiving of paid messages and (iii) unpaid services.


The Provider points out to the user that the services are available to all registered users, however, the reward gained for answering paid messages, or reward of the Provider can be paid only in the form of credit that can be charged only by a user who purchases the Premium membership. The user who does not purchase the Premium membership is not entitled to charge the credit, however, it can also pay also, via credit that can be gained as reward for answering the paid messages under Article 5 of these GCT.


The services are provided exclusively by means of electronic communication (via Website, e-mail and Internet) and do not depend on payment of the connection fee.


The amount of reward for users receiving the paid messages and the reward of the Provider as well as the price for the Premium membership and the amount of other fees or rewards in compliance with these GCT is specified by the Provider and mentioned in the Price list published on the Website.


The Provider reserves the right to modify or amend the Price list any time without giving any reason. The user shall be informed about possible changes via its account. A modified version of the Price list is valid from the day of its publishing on the Website and the following use of services after the Price list modification, shall be considered as consent with such modification.

4.The paid messages sending service


Via the Website, the user has the option to send paid messages containing promotional and marketing content to other users. When the receiving user answers the paid message by clicking one of the answers mentioned in the paid message, the sender shall be bound to pay the reward to the receiving user. The amount of this reward is specified in the valid Price list published on the Website at a time when the paid message has been sent.


The users, to whom the paid message should be sent, are chosen by the user on the base of his selected criteria. Receiving users can be selected as either specific users or a group of users on the basic of certain criteria.


After the selection of the receiving users is made, the paid message shall be sent only to these specific users. In the case that a group of receiving users is selected in accordance with the criteria, the paid message shall be sent to all users who meet these criteria, however, answering to the paid message during the period of its validity shall be allowed only to the number of receiving users that equals the number of paid messages specified by the sender.


Available types of paid messages are specified by the Provider.


The validity of the paid message, i.e. the time period during which the receiving users can answer the paid message, is 30 calendar days after the paid message has been sent.


The Provider undertakes to secure and be liable for sending the paid message to the receiving users specified by the sender.


The Provider undertakes to ensure, for each paid message type, that the sender shall be sent the feedback, i.e. the information about how many respondents have answered its paid message and their answers.


The paid messages sending service is voluntary and depends on the user´s decision to which extent it shall use the service. When the user decides to use this service, it shall always be brought to the user’s attention that he must pay reward to the receiving users as well as to the Provider.


After an order of the paid messages sending service is confirmed, it is no longer possible to recall, cancel or modify this order anymore.


The use of the paid message sending service gives the Provider the right to require the reward from the sender, the amount of which is specified in the valid Price list published on the Website when the paid message has been sent.


The condition for the use of the paid message sending service is a sufficient amount of credit in the sender’s user account. The amount of credit corresponding with the amount of reward for receiving users and for the Provider shall be blocked immediately after the order is placed from the outstanding amount of sender credit in its account for the period of time when the paid message shall be valid and thus 30 calendar days after the paid message has been sent. During the period of the paid message validity, the sender is not entitled to use the blocked credit amount.


During the period of the paid message validity, and thus 30 calendar days after the paid message has been sent, from the blocked amount of the sender´s credit interim shall be deducted credit corresponding with the amount of reward for the receiving users as well as for the Provider, for each paid message answered by the receiving users by clicking on one of the answers mentioned in the paid message. The amount of the credit shall be deducted immediately after clicking on one of the answers mentioned in the paid message and at the same time shall be immediately added directly to the amount of the receiving user´s credit. Reward related to the Provider shall be added to the account of the Provider.


The unused amount of blocked credit for paid messages, which were not answered by the receiving users during the period of the paid message validity, shall be unblocked after the expiry of the paid message validity, and the sender shall be entitled to use this credit amount according to its will.

5.The paid messages receiving service


Automatically after the user registration is made, the service of paid messages receiving is activated. Receiving of paid messages can be from the user´s side be cancelled at any time with immediate effect, without any sanction. The paid messages receiving service is provided free of charge.


By activation of the paid messages receiving service, the user expresses its consent with sending paid messages to his account on the Website from other users containing promotional and marketing content.


The receiving user is entitled to receive the reward from the sender of the paid message, when it clicks on one of the answers mentioned in the paid message.


Available types of paid messages are specified by the Provider.


The validity of the paid message, i.e. the time period during which the receiving users can answer the paid message, is 30 calendar days after the paid message has been sent.




The amount of reward for users receiving the paid messages for clicking on one of the answers in paid message is specified in the valid Price list, published during the time period when the paid message has been sent, on the Website.


The user has the option to purchase Premium membership. In the case the user purchases the Premium membership, the amount of reward for clicking on one of the possible answers increases, while the amount of this increased reward is mentioned in the valid Price list, published during the time period the paid message has been sent. on the Website. The increased amount of reward belongs to the user immediately after purchasing the Premium membership.


The paid messages receiving service is voluntary and depends on user´s decision to which extent it shall use the service.


The reward for clicking on one of the possible answers on the paid message shall be added to the credit in the receiving user´s account immediately after the clicking is done.

6.Unpaid services


Within unpaid services, the user is entitled to add on its user account pictures, commentaries, to complete the user profile, and make in its account other activities that are enabled by the account’s functionality. The Provider reserves the right to modify the functionality of the user account without any previous notification or user´s consent.


Within the unpaid services, the user is entitled to search for other users on the Website under various criteria and to send them unpaid messages.


The user may also use other unpaid functions of the Website that could be over time modified, extended or reduced on the side of the Provider.

7.Premium membership


After the proper registration is made, the user can purchase Premium membership on the Website. The price for Premium membership is specified in the valid Price list published on the Website.


Premium membership enables the user to charge the amount of its credit. The user, who does not purchase Premium membership, is not allowed to charge the credit, however, it can make the payment of rewards also through credit gained as reward for answering the paid messages within the meaning of Article 5 of these GCT.


By purchasing Premium membership, the user receives a Referrer ID, which may lead to entitlement to earn the intermediator commission as referred to in points 7.4 and 7.5 of these GCT. When the user purchases the Premium membership, it also enters the user’s career order.


In the case the user purchases Premium membership, the amount of reward for clicking on one of the answers in the paid message increases, while the amount of this increased reward is mentioned in the valid Price list, published during the time period the paid message has been sent, on the Website. The increased amount of reward belongs to the user immediately after purchasing Premium membership.


In the case the user purchases the Premium membership recommended by the other user and by purchasing enters the recommendatory user´s the Referrer ID, then the user who shall purchase Premium membership is bound to pay to the recommendatory user, or users who are placed up to the recommendatory user within the career order, the intermediator commission, which shall be reimbursed from the price paid by purchasing Premium membership and the amount of which shall be specified in the section of the Website called Career.


In the case the user, who has already purchased Premium membership recommends purchasing Premium membership to the other user (and by purchasing this the user enters the recommendatory user´s Referrer ID), to recommendatory user as well as to users who are placed up to the recommendatory user within the career order, belongs intermediator commission, which shall be reimbursed from the price paid by purchasing Premium membership and the amount of which shall be specified in the section of the Website called Career.


The intermediator commission according to points 7.4 and 7.5 of these GCT does not result in the increase of the price for the Premium membership. The relevant part of the Premium membership price shall be reimbursed by the Provider to the recommendatory user as well as to users who are placed up to the recommendatory user within the career order.

8.The Credit


All transactions carried out within the Website (debit as well as credit) are provided in the form of credit. (Credit is a JOY token, hereinafter referred to as Credit)


The user who purchases the Premium membership is entitled to charge its credit anytime within the period of validity of registration by using the relevant function of the Website and by sending the relevant amount in euro currency, either by the PayPal account of the Provider, using the payment card or Joy token.


The credit is fixed to the Joy token, based on the current exchange rate. The credit amount is also displayed in Euro currency based on the current exchange rate. The liquidation costs related to the conversion from another currency are borne by the user.


The user can gain credit also as reward for the paid messages receiving service according to the Article 5 of these GCT.


The outstanding amount of credit is shown within the user account.


The credit stays in the user´s full ownership until he uses this credit to pay for services provided by the Website.


The Provider is not obliged to pay the user for credit or financial means, sent by user for the purpose of purchasing the credit on the account of the Provider, any interest or other fees.


The user is entitled to exchange his credit as a payment in the form of money to its PayPal account or in a JOY token to its wallet address by selecting the relevant function of the website and entering the amount of credit to be paid. Payment of the credit is subject to a fee, while the amount of the fee is indicated in the valid Price List published on the Website.


The credit is paid the user within 30 calendar days from entering the user´s requirement on the Website by cashless transfer to the user´s PayPal account.

9.Payment terms


The credit charging and payment for Premium membership is possible to carry out only through cashless transfer to the PayPal account of the Provider, by using a payment card or JOY token.


Payment of the credit is possible to carry out only through cashless transfer to the user´s PayPal account or to the Joy token wallet address.


All rewards, prices and fees that will be paid to the Provider are quoted in credits that are fixed in the euro currency.


All rewards and intermediator commission that are paid mutually among the users are quoted in credits that are fixed in the euro currency excluding VAT.


An electronic invoice shall be issued for all prices and fees that will be paid to the Provider by the user as well as all rewards and intermediator commission paid mutually among the users through the Provider. This invoice shall be sent to the user´s account on the Website.

10.Termination of the Contract, termination and interruption of provided services


The user is entitled to request the termination of the Contract at any time, without giving any reason on the basis of the application sent to the Provider via the Website. The Provider, immediately after the application is sent, cancels the user account, its registration on the Website and terminates the provided services. After the user account is cancelled, the user shall not be allowed to use the services and all data from its account will be deleted, while the user takes note that the Provider has the right to archive a copy of the user account stored in their system during the 5 years after the user account was cancelled and the Contract terminated.


The Provider is entitled to terminate the Contract with the user, its account and registration on the Website at any time without giving any reason, with immediate effect (e.g. when the user has violated these GCT, or has requested the user account cancellation, on the request of legal or other state authorities)


The Provider reserves the right to interrupt or terminate the provision of the services without any previous notice.


In the case of Contract termination or termination of the provided services and in case of planned long-term interruption of the provided services, the Provider shall pay the outstanding balance of the credit via cashless transfer to the user regardless of its amount.

REWARD FOR PAID MESSAGES RECEIVING: Free user - approximately 0.05 Euro depending on the current exchange rate, VAT, if any, is already included in the reward PREMIUM user - approximately 0.10 Euro depending on the current exchange rate VAT, if any, is already included in the reward

11.Information about the right to terminate the Contract


According to Act No. 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer Protection (Sales of goods or provision of services on the basis of the distance contract or the contract concluded away from business premises of the seller and on amending and supplementing certain other acts) the user has the right to withdraw from the Contract without giving any reason within 14 calendar days from the day of the Contract conclusion by sending the Provider notification about withdrawing from the Contract with the user´s clear identification to the e-mail address of the Provider mentioned in the contact details.


The user expressly agrees with the fact that the services will begin immediately after the conclusion of the Contract is made, that is, before the legal deadline of 14 days for to Contract withdrawal expires, with the result that the user is not allowed to withdraw from the Contract.


Within the meaning of Section 4 paragraph 8 (a) of Act 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer protection (sales of goods or provision of services on the base of the distance contract or the contract concluded away from business premises of the seller and on amending and supplementing certain other acts), the Provider instructs the user that by giving consent with the immediate start of services, i.e.,before the deadline for Contract withdrawal expires, it loses the right to withdraw from the Contract.


The user declares that he was properly instructed within the meaning of Section 4 paragraph 8 (a) of Act 102/2014 Coll. on Consumer protection (sales of goods or provision of services on the basis of the distance contract or a contract concluded away from the business premises of the seller and on amending and supplementing certain other acts).


In the case the user has validly withdrawn from the Contract in spite of the above mentioned consent with the provision of services before the legal deadline of 14 days to Contract withdrawal expires, it is bound to pay the Provider only the price for actual provided performance until the day of receipt of notification on Contract withdrawal.


The user is entitled to require Contract termination any time, without giving any reason in accordance with the Article 9 of these GCT.

12.Conditions for making claims


Any questions and complaints related to the services and/or the Website can be addressed to the Provider using the contact details published on the Website.


Complaints will be solved within 30 calendar days from their receipt. The outcome of the complaint procedure shall be announced to the user by sending the notification to its account on the Website. If the complaint is justified, the user shall be returned the relevant amount of credit, or the relevant reward shall be added to the credit on the user´s account.

13.Other provisions


All payment cancellations as well as the refund applications related to companies that issue or administer the payment cards, using which the payments for credit or Premium membership were made, will be investigated. In the case of suspicion regarding the unauthorized use of the payment card, the Provider shall contact the company that issued or administered this card in order to protect the payment card holder´s rights.


The Website is protected by copyright.


The Provider is entitled to identify the user, if such is requested by the bodies involved in criminal proceedings, or if this identification is necessary in accordance with current legislation.


Without the prior written consent of the Operator, the user is not entitled to assign or transfer their rights and obligations arising in connection with the use of the services to a third party, even if such an assignment or transfer was carried out free of charge.


The user is fully liable for making its user name, password or any registration data confidential and bears full responsibility for disposal costs arisen in relation to the breach of these GCT. The user is not entitled to share its registration data with others and in the case the user account is used by other person, the user is obliged to inform the Provider about this breach.

14.Exclusion of liability


The Provider is not liable for any false, incorrect or incomplete data entered by the user or missing data deleted by the user (during registration, login or account administration) as well as for losses caused by externally provided data either within the external Internet network, telephone lines or other hardware or software components belonging to third parties or to the user.


The Provider bears no responsibility whatsoever for the content of contributions or discussions and their content within chat on the Website. The Provider is also not responsible for any violation of intellectual property rights or other rights on the side of users.


The Provider is not responsible, in particular, for any damage caused by incorrect e-mail address or false, incorrect and incomplete data provided by user.


The Provider is not responsible for the misuse of provided data which took place during transfer within communication networks or owing to the unauthorized access of the third parties. All provided data are stored on a secured server and are protected against unauthorized digital or physical access.


The user takes note and agrees that the provision of services through the Website includes the possible risk related to the nature of the used means of communication. The user also takes note and agrees that the online environment including the hardware and software of the Provider does no ensure constant and flawless Website operation. The Provider therefore bears no responsibility for damage caused by possible disturbances, failures, temporary or long-term operational restrictions or maintenance work within the Website. The user´s obligation to pay rewards in accordance with these GCT is not affected.


Furthermore, the Provider is not responsible for the presence of viruses or other disruptive elements on the Website.


The Provider reserves the right to provide services that are not always smoothly available mainly because of regular maintenance of hardware and software equipment, or on the basis of technical problems outside the control of the Provider.


The Provider is not responsible for any unfamiliar content (external websites of third parties, links to those websites, advertising content) placed in the messages sent to the user by other users.

15.Protection of personal data


By registering on the Website, the user gives the Provider the consent, voluntarily and free of charge, to process its personal data to the extent, for the purpose and during the time period as specified by these GCT.


On the basis of the user´s consent that it gave during the registration on the Website, the Provider shall process the following personal data: first name, last name, e-mail address, date of birth.


By using the Website, the user of the services gives consent for using his IP address for operational monitoring purposes within the Website, or because of submitting visit reports to the contractual partners of the Provider.


The Provider can acquire, record, organise, browse, gather and store and process the personal data within information systems. However, only on the condition that confidentiality and strict content discretion shall be kept.


The user´s data can be processed for the following purposes:

• provision of services – i.e. sending electronic communication containing promotional and marketing content, usage of the Website

• opening the account, managing and administration of the user´s account on the Website

• research of the market and user´s behaviour when it accesses and uses the Website

• better identification of target groups of users within promotional and other offers (user data are not provided to third parties)


By providing personal data, the user gives consent according to Act No 122/2013 Coll. on Personal Data Protection in the currently applicable version, to personal data proceeding by the Provider to the extent described above for the duration of the Contract (validity of user registration on the Website) and 5 years from Contract termination.


The user takes note and agrees that the Provider archives the content copy of every account within their system for a maximum 5 years from Contract termination.


The user has the option to update or correct its data as part of user account administration.


Personal data will be processed within the EU.


The Provider shall not provide personal data or make such accessible to any third party. The user’s personal data will not be published.


The user confirms, that he gave the data voluntarily and agrees with the processing of the data by the Provider unless such action is contrary to legislation.


The user declares that all personal data it he provides is true and correct and is aware of the consequences of submitting incorrect data, in particular, when such an act could be considered a criminal offence.


The user is entitled to withdraw at any time the consent with personal data processing, by sending an e-mail to the Provider with its first name, last name, e-mail, however, this shall result in the immediate termination of the Contract, user account and registration on the Website. The user also has the right to be informed about the processing of its data, right to receive the copy of the processed personal data, right to correct or update data that is out of date during the processing.


Cookies can be used for gathering information from the internet server as part of the differentiation of users, their settings, management and administration of their accounts on Websites.


At each signing in to the user account the user can approve the Website to show his location, whereby the Website may automatically request him to do it, or ran appropriate function may be present at the Website. The user confirms his consent by entering his user name and password after clicking on the automated request of the Website or on the appropriate function. The approval is not granted by the user if the user will not enter his user name and password after clicking on the automated request of the Website or the appropriate function.


The user agrees and approves that his location will be shown to all users chosen by him, in case of his approval with the Website showing his location. The user is aware of possible consequences of showing his location, whereby no claims against the Provider such as damages, loss or any other consequence arise of this.



In the frame of the provided services, the user can be informed about products and services offered by other users and third parties via messages and it gives consent for the sending of these messages containing promotional and marketing content.


The user shall at any time be allowed to end the receiving of these messages and withdraw the consent.


The user declares that sending of messages containing promotional and marketing content will not be considered as spam or other form of unsolicited advertisement or communication.



The account of every user is protected by a password known only to the user. The user is obliged to protect its password and is not entitled to make it accessible under any circumstances to any third party.


The user is fully and exclusively responsible for any use of services and/or activity made within its account or via this account and therefore is obliged to secure the adequate protection of its password.


The Provider is not responsible for the misuse of provided data during the transfer within communication networks or as a result of the unauthorized access of third party. All provided data are stored on sa secure server and are protected against unauthorized digital and physical access.


The user takes note that data and information provided publicly on the Website or other sites (e.g. within discussion platforms, chat or e-mail) can be used or misused by third parties. The Provider does not perform any monitoring of registered users. Hence if the user provides its personal or other data, it shall be at the user’s own risk.

18.Obligations of the user


The user takes note that during the use of the services it is not allowed to act contrary to legal acts of general application within the Slovak Republic and/or public morals. In any manner, the user is not allowed to


perpetuate violence and publicly or in a hidden manner incite hatred on the basis of sex, race, colour of skin, language, faith or religion, political or any other opinion, national or social origin, nationality or ethnicity.


perpetuate war or describe cruel or inhuman behaviour in a manner that trivialises, justifies or approves these acts.


perpetuate publicly or in a hidden manner alcoholism, smoking, use of narcotic drugs, poisons and precursors or to trivialise this behaviour.


use vulgar expressions, phrases or other verbal or sign expressions, the direct or indirect meaning of which is contrary to public morals and ethics.


threaten the physical, mental, or moral development of minors, or impair their mental health and emotional state (from 6 am till 10 pm)


send contributions with erotic content (from 6 am till 10 pm)


perpetuate child pornography


perpetuate medicines that are subject to medical or veterinary prescription containing narcotic or psychotropic substances that are not subject to prescription and are paid on the grounds of health insurance pursuant to special regulation and medicines that are not registered within the Slovak Republic and mention the effects on tuberculosis treatment, treatment of sexual communicable diseases, serious infectious diseases, cancer diseases, chronic insomnia, metabolism disorders and mental illnesses.


perpetuate publicly or in a hidden manner the use of weapons and munitions, or to describe them using any means.


perpetuate publicly or in a hidden manner the use of weapons and munition, or to describe them using any means.


provide false, unchecked, misleading or deceptive information about the third party, in particular, if such information is in favour of another subject.


share the content of Provider sites, in particular, to make a copy, to modify, to spread, or to treat it in other manner for the purpose of commercial use, except the case of disposing with the own content of the user, if no agreement exist between the user and the Provider.


circumvent the above mentioned prohibitions.


register on the Website under other or invented name or enter other or invented registration data.


The user is not allowed to disable the discussion on the Website to other users, or to disturb it. The user is not allowed to discomfort other users.


The user is not entitled to be paid any royalties for publishing its contributions on the Website.


Every user is responsible for its contributions and voluntarily agrees that he shall not use the services for purposes that are contrary to the legal acts of general application within the Slovak Republic.


The user shall not make any attempt to login on the Website as other user and cause harm to another users or persons. The user is not allowed to harm the reputation of the Provider. The user is not allowed to perpetuate the services of other persons who are in direct or indirect competitive relationship with the Provider.


The user is obliged to add to its account on the Website only authorized pictures and videos.


The user is not allowed to add to its account pictures or videos that are contrary to public morals or to the legal acts of general application within the Slovak Republic.


If the user is a VAT payer, or becomes a VAT payer in the course of using the services, it is obliged to announce this fact immediately to the Provider by completing the relevant field in its account on the Website.

19.Processing of Personal Data

We may collect, use, and process your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. We may use your personal data to provide our services to you, to communicate with you, to improve our services, and for other legitimate business purposes.

We may share your personal data with third-party service providers who assist us in providing our services, such as hosting and payment processing providers. We will ensure that any such third-party service providers are bound by appropriate confidentiality and data protection obligations.

We will not sell or rent your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes without your prior consent. We may disclose your personal data if required to do so by law, or in response to a valid request by a law enforcement or governmental authority.

We take reasonable measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal data. However, please note that no transmission of data over the internet is completely secure and we cannot guarantee the security of your personal data transmitted through our services.

By using our services, you consent to our collection, use, and processing of your personal data in accordance with this document and applicable laws and regulations.

20.Data Deletion

We will retain your personal data only for as long as necessary to provide our services to you. If you would like us to delete your personal data, please contact us at We will take reasonable steps to delete your personal data as soon as possible, unless we are required to retain it by law or for legitimate business purposes. Please note that some residual data may remain in our backups and archives for a limited period of time after deletion.

21.Final provisions


The Provider has no other obligations related to the services provided to the user except the obligations mentioned within these GCT.


Every activity of the user contrary to these GCT that can result in as also potential to the Website function, or any other user´s behaviour that can harm the author´s rights or other authorisations, shall be by the Provider be considered as a breach of these GCT and the Provider is entitled to limit the user´s harmful activity in the sense of blocking access to the services or refusal of the services provision, these measures are applicable immediately.


The user is responsible for meeting its tax obligations related to its reward. The Provider bears no responsibility for any breach of tax obligations (e.g. mentioning the reward in tax declaration, its submission, payment of tax, and so on)


The Website can be modified, any content or elements deleted anytime, anyhow and without giving any notice.


The Provider and the user have agreed that they fully recognise the electronic form of communication, in particular, via the Website, electronic mail (e-mail) and internet network (www) as valid and binding for both contractual parties.


Any questions, claims and complaints related to the services, the user can address to the Provider using the contact data published on the Website.


In the case that any provision of these GCT is invalid, ineffective or unenforceable, such does not affect the validity, effectiveness or enforceability of the remaining provisions. The Provider is obliged to immediately replace the defective provisions by provisions that are fully correct and as far as possible correspond with the content and purpose of the defective provision.


The Provider reserves the right at any time to modify or amend these GCT without giving any reason. The user shall be informed about any possible changes through his account. The wording of the modified GCT is effective from the day of their publishing on the Website and the further use of the services by the user shall be considered as user´s consent with the change of GCT.


The user is obliged to use the Website in accordance with the applicable legislation, public morals and these GCT and that it shall not disturb or harm the Websites, servers, networks and systems related to the Website, to publish or use spam, software viruses or any other codes, files or programs that can cause interruption, limitation or termination of the services on the Websites or their functionality.


All provisions of these GCT, their validity as well as the contractual relationship between the user and Provider are under the legislation of the Slovak Republic. The dispute settlement bodies in this case are the courts acting within the Slovak Republic.


These GCT can be made out in various language versions with identical content while the decisive is the Slovak version.


The provider recommends to users that if they get increased income from using the paid messages receiving service, to check whether their activity is then classified as entrepreneurship within the legal status of their headquarters and whether they need to notify this activity to the relevant authorities or need to have the relevant permission.


The VAT regime related to the administration of individual payments, rewards, commission, or any prices in accordance with these GCT, is established in the Price list published on the Website.

Premium membership:

User registered in the EU:
Non-VAT payer – 9.99 EUR plus VAT
VAT payer – 9.99 EUR, VAT non-applicable

User registered in the Slovak republic:
Non-VAT payer – 9.99 EUR plus VAT
VAT payer – 9.99 EUR plus VAT

User registered outside the EU:
Non-VAT payer – 9,99 EUR, VAT non-applicable
VAT payer – 9.99 EUR, VAT non-applicable

Purchase of credit for payed messages:

User registered in the EU: 
Non-VAT payer – amount of credit plus VAT
VAT payer – amount of credit, VAT non-applicable

User registered in the Slovak republic:
Non-VAT payer – amount of credit plus VAT
VAT payer – amount of credit plus VAT

User registered outside the EU:
Non-VAT payer – amount of credit, VAT non-applicable
VAT payer – amount of credit, VAT non-applicable

Credit pay-out fee:

3% from paid amount of credit, VAT non-applicable

Reward for paid messages receiving:

Free user - approximately 0.05 Euro depending on the current exchange rate, VAT, if any, is already included in the reward PREMIUM user - approximately 0.10 Euro depending on the current exchange rate VAT, if any, is already included in the reward

Reward for new PREMIUM user intermediation:

The amount of this reward is established in the part of the website named “career“ and VAT, if any, is already included in the reward.


Joynup does not use, support, and firmly distances itself from illegal, fraudulent, or speculative business schemes.

Our platform is designed with clearly defined products and services, operates legally, and complies with regulations in Slovakia. It has an officially assigned business identification number (IČO) and tax identification number (DIČ) and follows a tax policy established through a tax advisor.

Joynup functions as a Web 3.0 social platform. Its main goal is to connect users. The primary premium feature is marketing-based user interaction through paid messages. The loyalty reward program is an additional feature aimed at expanding the active user base in areas with lower market coverage. Joynup allows users to obtain premium membership through reactions to paid messages without the need to use their own funds. Purchasing premium membership is a voluntary decision for any user who wishes to access premium features sooner than would be possible through their own activity alone.

In areas with lower Joynup coverage, there are more opportunities related to community building within Joynup. In areas with higher coverage, higher rewards for reacting to paid messages are likely. The informational content on Joynup does not constitute financial advice and is for informational purposes only.